29th Dec - 9th Feb Only ONE Service
Sundays 9am.
Vicar. The Rev'd. Bruce Allport 021 301 754
The Order of St Luke the Physician in Aotearoa New Zealand

The Latin motto is a prayer found in the early Christian catacombs: JESU ESTO MIHI JESUS, LUX - REX - DUX - LEX meaning: O Jesus, be to me my Saviour (Healer), Light - King - Leader - Law
This Parish hosts a Chapter of the Order of St Luke the Physician. All practicing Christians can join this important Ministry.
What is Order of St. Luke the Physician?
Known by many as OSL, The Order of St. Luke the Physician is a worldwide Ministry made up of clergy, health professionals, and lay people who believe healing is an essential part of the teaching and practice of our Lord Jesus Christ and that the healing ministry of Christ belongs in the Church today.
It is an interdenominational Christian order of faith, prayer, and service with Chapters all over the world. The Order of St Luke the Physician in Aotearoa New Zealand, a member of the International Order.
For more information and application forms check out;